Le Guess Who?’s Who 2022: Thiago Nassif

There’s less than three weeks to go before Le Guess Who? takes over Utrecht. With over 150 artists set to perform, how do we make sense of such a monumental line-up? We made a list of the artists we’re most excited to see and asked them for their recommendations.


Thiago Nassif


Performing Sunday 13th November

Ever prolific, phenomenal multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer Thiago Nassif counts numerous audacious projects under his belt, spanning a wide spectrum of artistic expression in the fields of music, photography, architecture and plastic arts. A mainstay in the Brazilian music scene, he conquered our ears with his 2020 Arto Lindsay-coproduced Mente, an album of bewildering scope incorporating elements of everything from no-wave, electronic music, Tropicalismo, jazz, rock and pop. When we asked Thiago for his 3 recommendations for the festival, he got carried away and picked 5 artists. Find out who they are below, with a few words from him.


Oumou Sangaré


Performing Sunday 13th November

“I hear guitars that intrigues me and sounds from my ancestors.”



Performing Friday 11th November

“I heard of them from Arto Lindsay, Northern Spy is one of the labels I enjoy the most. Curious to see what kind of performance they will bring to the festival”

Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul


Performing Saturday 12th November

“Got in touch with them by Instagram, It was great to get to know a little bit of their electronic and performatic music”



Performing Sunday 13th November

“My middle name is Farah, so I’m Thiago Farah Nassif. Her poetry about our common name made me understand more about my roots”

DJ Diaki

Performing Saturday 12th November (as part of Nyege Nyege presents African High Tempo)

“Bella who’s playing electronics with me on this tour, among with Claudio Brito (percussion), is a sound and visual artist, she got me into the Nyege Nyege mix tapes, couldn’t believe what I was hearing, it sounds to me that the way they create their music music relates a lot with the Brazilian Funk movement we have here, very cutting edge”

Le Guess Who? will take place 10-13 November. For the full line-up, tickets and more info visit leguesswho.com. And take a look at other artists we’re excited about picking their own Le Guess Who?’s Who.

Mixtape #58

Inventive New York based duo Buke and Gase truly are a band like no other with an affinity for experimentation and exploration. Named after their core of self-made eponymous instruments, the buke (byook) and the gase (gace), they craft a unique, propulsive and infectious sound with a strong DIY ethos. We've asked them to put together this month's mixtape and Arone Dyer sent us her current favourites, ranging from avant-jazz collective Zs and rapper Zebra Katz to post-punk outfit Naomi Punk and beyond. Press play already!


Mixtape #26

  1. Jherek Bischoff – Young & Lovely (feat. Zac Pennington & SoKo) [The Leaf Label / Brassland]
  2. ROM -Whale Vomit [Pingipung]
  3. Torkelsen – Ugle [SellOut! Music]
  4. Liars – No. 1 Against The Rush [Mute]
  5. St. Vincent – Krokodil [4AD]
  6. Zs – Balk [Planoria]
  7. Arc In Round – Hallowed [La Société Expéditionnaire]
  8. James Ferraro – Linden Dollars [Hippos In Tanks]
  9. Haruomi Hosono – Gaplus [Scitron Digital Content]
  10. Can – Millionenspiel [Mute]
  11. Get Well Soon – You Cannot Cast Out The Demons (You Might As Well Dance) [City Slang]
  12. Zammuto – Too Late To Apologize [Temporary Residence]
  13. Gosprom – San Francisco [Headphonica]
  14. Dusted – (Into The) Atmosphere [Hand Drawn Dracula / Polyvinyl]
  15. Bruce Peninsula – 2nd 4th World War [Bruce Trail Records]