!K7’s neo-classical/ambient imprint 7K! has launched a new musical series called Plunderphonia. Developed by !K7 founder Horst Weidenmüller, the project sees contemporary musicians remix, re-edit and reinterpret historical audio recordings into new works, and is inspired by Henrik Schwarz’s 2018 Plunderphonia concert, which re-appropriated 700 string sequences. The debut Plunderphonia album comes from the hands of Grammy nominated composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer PC Nackt (The String Theory), and includes classical piano compositions pieces by Schubert, Scarlatti and Bach that have been selected by music supervisor Hania Rani. Nackt first invited pianist Antonis Anissegos to play the scores into MIDI. He explains some of the follow-up process:
“I looked for sections which would be fun to rearrange, then went to Yamaha’s Hamburg warehouse and for a beautiful week performed with the midi-files, using a controller, midi effects and iPads, and recorded the whole record live.
I went into a bubble editing the record. I decided to go for the most beautiful version of this album, because, whatever I do, you will always feel my edgy side anyway.”
PC Nackt’s Plunderphonia will be out on June 26th and two exhilarating singles have already been let loose, ‘Space_Schubert’ and ‘Exobase_Scarlatti’. The latter comes with a video directed by photographer/director Ralf Schmerberg and was shot in Berlin, Sicily, Los Angeles, and Bari. Check both singles below.