Rachel Horwood, Jack Barraclough and Gill Partington, who make up Halo Halo, create some of the most inventive and infectious pop.
The London based trio’s self-titled debut album dropped a couple of weeks ago via Upset The Rhythm. ‘Taro Taro Taro’, the second song on the album. has just received the visual treatment. As the label describes, ‘Taro Taro Taro’ “sublimely loses itself in echoes of melody and propulsive rhythms, underscoring the song’s subject matter of a time travelling fisherman lost to the waves for 300 years”. The story is taken from Urashima Taro, a famous Japanese fairy tale. Watch the video below.
If you’re around London next Thursday August 1st, see them perform live alongside one of our favourite bands, Flamingods. It’s at Birthdays, and it’s free.