The Meets, the Johnstown, Pennsylvania based ensemble directed and produced by Brandon Locher, have announced the release of a new full-length album entitled It Happens Outside.
The ensemble comprises over twenty musicians playing and sampling acoustic and electronic instruments over an electronically created sound collage, as the press release explains.
“80% of the sounds on the album are organic, taken from field-recordings that I made”, said Locher. “A drum circle that happened in the streets, recording friends playing orchestral instruments, etc, to build this created ensemble with everyone being credited.”
Mastered by Nick Zammuto, It Happens Outside will see the light of day on October 1st via My Idea of Fun. The effort will be available on vinyl and digitally, and can be pre-ordered now.
Ahead of the release, The Meets are enticing us with the first excellent single “Even When The Time Comes”. Listen to it below.