Nightports release Wat Chedi Luang EP

Following the excellent Nightports w/ Betamax, released earlier this year, Nightports put out a new EP last week titled Wat Chedi Luang. In their previous works, Adam Martin and Mark Slater, who make up Nightports, collaborated with other musicians exploring and reworking their music with the single remit of only using sounds produced by the featured musician. On Wat Chedi Luang EP, Nightports used a different rule, creating music only with sounds recorded in a specific place on one day. The EP was recorded at a 14th Century temple in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand on December 22nd 2018.

Using the same rules of restriction, opening track ‘Stupa’ has been paired with a video produced by generative visual artist Jake Dubber. Watch it below.

Watch the new live Betamax video from upcoming Nightports w/ Betamax record

We’re just a day away from the release of Nightports w/ Betamax, the new Nightports album, this time in collaboration with drummer and percussionist Betamax. Following the rhythmically wild, relentless and hypnotic single ‘Hydro’, they are giving us another taste of the upcoming record with new single ‘Sparke’, offered with a live video recorded at Betamax’s studio ‘The Shard’. Check it out.

Nightports w/ Betamax is out on June 12th through The Leaf Label

Nightports team up with Betamax on upcoming new album

Adam Martin and Mark Slater, who make up Nightports, collaborate with other musicians to explore and rework their music in varied ways, with their single remit being to only use sounds produced by the featured musician. Following their first album with Matthew Bourne in 2018, their latest sonic collaboration saw  them join forces with Betamax, the incredible drummer and percussionist, also known as one half of Soccer 96 and one third of The Comet Is Coming. There’s an album on the way bearing the fruits of this collaborative labour, Nightports w/ Betamax, where the duo set about “amplifying the characteristics of the musician.”

“Within the depths of the drum takes, we found hidden melodies, chords, structures and bass lines which we distilled and exaggerated to realise this album,” Slater explained. “On the one hand, this album is fully improvised in that all drum performances were spontaneous, intuitive and responsive; however, they were then subjected to editing and manipulation to arrive at a sound that is neither purely improvised nor constructed.”

Nightports w/ Betamax is set for release on June 12th through The Leaf Label but we can already listen to the rhythmically wild, relentless and hypnotic single ‘Hydro’.

Nightports and Matthew Bourne’s collaborative album out in March

Nightports is the project of Adam Martin and Mark Slater who collaborate with other musicians exploring and reworking their music in varied ways. With their only remit to use “only sounds produced by the featured musician”, as the press release describes, “these sounds can be transformed, distorted, translated, processed and reprocessed, stretched, cut, ordered and reordered without limitation”. Their latest sonic adventure brought them together with pianist and composer Matthew Bourne, and the fruit of this collaboration is a full length album, Nightports w/Matthew Bourne, set for release on March 2nd through Leaf Label. Nightports and Matthew Bourne used a variety of pianos, old and singular, to explore and produce different sounds and textures. To get you enticed, here’s the album’s first stunning single ‘Exit’.