It’s no secret we love Laurence Pike. A relentless drummer, phenomenal improviser and inventive composer, for the last two decades he has recorded and played with an array of bands, setting up his drumkit at the junction of electronic, jazz and post-rock. His 2018 debut solo album, Distant Early Warning, and its follow up, Holy Spring, both blew us away and made it to our Album Picks of the Year. Reacting to the catastrophic wild fires in his native Australia, Pike released his powerful third album, Prophecy, this summer. We asked him to put together this month’s mixtape and he wrapped up his “Pandemic Favourites” for us. An hour made up of the tracks he has found himself delving into as of late, this is the soundtrack we needed to end the year beautifully!
- Takashi Kokubo – 回廊の音楽
[Glossy Mistakes]
- Haji K – A White-Tinted Sky
- Paradise Cinema – It Will Be Summer Soon
[Gondwana Records]
- Hiroshi Yoshimura – Surround
[Misawa Home]
- Finis Africae – Hybla
[EM Records]
- Phillip Wilkerson – The Way Of Heaven
- Luke Abbott – Ames Window
[Border Community]
- Lindsheaven Virtual Plaza – Polynomial Voices
[Asura Revolver]
- Kit Downes – Circinus
[ECM Records]
- H.Takahashi – Pollen
[Where To Now?]