Malihini, the duo of Giampaolo Speziale and Federica Caiozzo, are gearing up to release their debut EP Lose Everything. Named after the Hawaiian word for newcomer, the pair met in Rome in 2015, before embarking on a road trip and moving to London last year. Lose Everything features Richard Formby (Ghost Poet, Wild Beasts) on production duties and is set for release on September 29th through Memphis Industries.
Alongside the EP announcement, Malihini are offering a superb taste of what they have in store for us with lead single ‘Drums Rock And Roll’. “‘Drums Rock And Roll’ is four minutes of free play about youth, fun, addiction, lack of manners,” said Giampaolo. “Our producer, Richard Formby, really brought his synths to the fore on this on this one, while Federica and I, sung some of the sounds we sometimes sing to each other.” Give it a listen now.
To celebrate the release of Lose Everything, Malihini will play a special show at The Waiting Room in London on October 2nd. Head over here to grab free tickets.