With The Apple Drop on the way, and after sharing ‘Sekwar’, Liars have unveiled a new single from the upcoming album called ‘Big Appetite’. The track comes with an accompanying video, and as with the previous single, Clemens Habicht directed it as a sort of follow-up, pursuing Angus Andrew’s hallucinogenic trajectory. “I thought that spelunking with bats for the ‘Sekwar’ video tested the upper limits of my fear threshold”, Angus explained, “but it turns out having a revved up drill pointed close to my forehead for a day is truly the stuff of nightmares.
Clemens had this to say about it:
“The drill spun the camera at up to 2000rpm, and the very real potential for an accidental trepanation gave the filming an extra potency. The terror experienced by the almost broken but fiercely determined space traveller mixes with the candy colours of a delirious unhinged euphoria, with lucid recollections of band members Cameron Deyell and Laurence Pike joining a more fresh-faced Angus from a distant, optimistic and simpler past.”
Watch the video for ‘Big Appetite’ below.
The Apple Drop is out on August 6th through Mute.