Brooklyn based inventive outfit Buke and Gase, the duo of Arone Dyer and Aron Sanchez, have shared the title track from their upcoming somophore album. General Dome will see the light of day on January 29th via Brassland.
Buke and Gase, formerly Buke and Gass, named themselves after their own handmade instruments, the “buke”, a self-modified baritone ukulele and the “gase”, a guitar-bass hybrid created by Aron. Other than their core eponymous instruments, Arone and Aron use an array of homemade gear including ankle-played bells, toe-bourine and a bass drum with an integral snare drum and tambourine.
Whilst we eagerly wait for the album to drop, here’s the fierce and exhilarating title track ‘General Dome’.