Akron/Family have announced the release of a new album, called Sub Verses. The record arrives on April 29th in the UK and a day later in the US via Dead Oceans.
“The album started with visions of large monumental sounds inspired by Heizer and Turrell; American works on a grand scale, monuments, dirty hands and an epic American masculinity. Dust, Stone, Sky, Earth.”, said guitarist Seth Olinsky in a statement about the forthcoming Sub Verses.
Bassist Miles Seaton also made a statement, and said that “as with other Akron/Family records the Idiomatic perspective shifts restlessly. From Shamanic hypno-mantras to Noise-damaged Soul anthems to North african street frenzy, from Droning Microtonal Balladry to modular synthesizer destruction to Lynchian Doo-Wop and back again.” Read their whole statements here.
Akron/Family have unveiled the album’s excellent opening track, ‘No-Room’. Here it is.