Malmin and Åshild Vetrhus’ collaborative album out in March

March 7th will see the release of Malmin with Åshild Vetrhus, an enchanting album of Norwegian folk songs that should be on everyone’s radar. The album sprouted from a collaboration between Malmin, the core duo of Anders Hana and Olav Christer Rossebø, and singer Åshild Vetrhus, “in their mission to unearth the raw untamed folk music of Rogaland region in Norway”. Malmin with Åshild Vetrhus also marks the very first release on new record label Krets.
Across the 9 songs of the album, there’s a variety of contexts and functions the music is used for, as the press release describes, including “music for work, for making love, for remedy and repenting and music for dying”.

Malmin also shared some insight into the recording process:

“In Malmin, we always start by studying the early recordings of the oldest sources. These recordings are packed with information and are often surprisingly open for interpretation. While we preserve as many old tropes as possible, we take great liberty in coloring the instruments with amplification. We hear how the colors of new technology keep the old styles mighty and strong. In hearing the source material with modern ears, we unwillingly tend to project the music of our times on the tradition. With Malmin, we work towards the opposite, by projecting the tradition, as pure as possible, on modernity.”

For a taster of what’s on offer, here’s the magical and moving opening piece, ‘Springar from Svein P. Eikeland/Tveitaslåtten/Når mitt øie trett av møie’.