With so much music being churned out all the time, sadly a lot of good albums end up falling through the cracks. Luckily, that’s not the case with When You Cut Into the Present, the third album from Norwegian quartet Møster!, released last September. We first heard of and saw Kjetil Møster, the man behind the project, rocking the sax and keys in Datarock back in 2007. But he counts memberships and collaborations in many other bands, including The Core, Ultralyd, Röyksopp and King Midas, amongst many others.
Møster! continue to draw influence from prog rock, psychedelia and John Coltrane’s jazz but with When You Cut Into The Present they also “share the honours with everyone from King Crimson in their Red period to Alice Coltrane and the krautrock masters of Can”, as the release blurb describes.
Here’s the epic and wild opening track ‘Nebula and Red Giant’.
When You Cut Into The Present is out now via Hubro Music.