Norwegian singer songwriter Hanne Hukkelberg moved to New York in 2010 to write new material. The outcome is her fourth full-length studio album Featherbrain set to be released next week.
Her previous albums show an incredible creativity and diversity in sound and Featherbrain is no exception.
Combining elements of her previous three albums, the press release states that “Featherbrain creates a kind of antique pop music, at the same time brittle and soft, powerful and fragile”. “Featherbrain is a risky album. Both dissonant and lyrical, it is music for headphones and notebooks. Itrs intimate, eccentric sounds demand your intimacy and your eccentricity, and the effort is rewarded: a personal and honest sonic world opens up, in fact, so sincere Hukkelberg had to toughen up to record it”.
Featherbrain drops on February 17th in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, February 20th in the UK and February 24th in Norway via Propeller Recordings.
The first offering from her forthcoming album is the dazzling track ‘My Devils’. Watch the video for this track below, courtesy of The Quietus.