Neil Cowley Trio reunites after 7-year hiatus with new album Entity

After a 7-year hiatus that has seen celebrated and incredibly talented pianist and composer Neil Cowley delve into a solo career and other musical projects, the mighty Neil Cowley Trio will return with a long awaited album titled Entity. The outfit of Cowley and long time band mates drummer Evan Jenkins and bass player Rex Horan have dazzled us for more than a decade and a follow-up to their outstanding, thrilling and cinematic sixth album, Spacebound Apes, is very exciting news. Convening in the studio after a long pause, the three picked up where they left off and immediately felt each other out. “It is three people conversing, and metaphorically dancing together”,  Cowley says about the new record. “It is a society of friends all looking out for each other. It is difficult music to execute and therefore without the support and commitment of all the people in the room, impossible to achieve; therefore everyone gives all of themselves and leaves parts of their individual self at the door.”

Entity is out on September 20th and ahead of it Neil Cowley Trio have shared the triumphant and sublime ‘Adam Alphabet’ as the first taste of what’s to come. Speaking about the track, Cowley comments:

“The working title for this track was ‘Lipschitz’; the first random word I wrote down by way of a working title. Unbeknownst to me and by total coincidence Rex and Evan had a friend back home called Adam Lipschitz, but spelt in an overly complicated and indecipherable way; with silent consonants and seemingly useless vowels. Due to the difficulty everyone had in spelling it, his nickname became ‘Adam Alphabet’… and so without hesitation I renamed this track in his honour. I have the added bonus of being able to invent Adams character, having never actually met him, and so when we play it as a band I can invent an ever more elaborate life story for him.”

Here’s ‘Adam Alphabet’,  you’ll find it hard to stop listening to again and again.

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